Texas Alliance of Black School Educators is an affiliate of NABSE. TABSE is committed to improving the educational achievement of African-American students by increasing the participation and expansion of Texas affiliates. TABSE further believes in identifying and promoting those activities, which are designed to sensitize the public at-large and educators, specifically to the needs of African-American students in academic and non-academic areas of development.
The first meeting of the Texas Alliance of Black School Educators (TABSE) was held December 5-6, 1986 in Austin, Texas. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss a coalition of African-American educators and other individuals interested in developing strategies to improve educational opportunities for African-American students and to eradicate problems faced by educators of African-American students.
The discussion centered on the formation of a statewide organization which would serve as the voice to speak out on educational issues affecting African-American children, to present to the legislature those issues affecting African-American children, and to present to the legislature those issues affecting educators of African-American students at the state level.
The following definitive actions resulted from that meeting.
- Formation of a state National Alliance of Black School Educators unit with discussion of constitution and by laws
- Preliminary organizations budget for mailing and printing
- Legislative agenda
- Projects identified for immediate planning
1. Effective Schools Conference
2. Dropout Study - Selection of a person to act as liaison with the State Board of Educators
- Election of Officers
The name adopted for the organization was the Texas Alliance of Black School Educators (TABSE). TABSE received its charter on November 12, 1987 with thirteen educators serving as Charter Members and serving on the Board of Directors. The charter members are: Dr. Clarence Bibby, Austin; Dr. J. David Bowick, Houston; Mrs. Elma Jean Carr, Fort Worth; Mr. Edward Cline, Houston; Dr. Jay Cummings, Austin; Dr. Joseph Drayton, Houston; Mr. Dennis Dunkins, Fort Worth; Mrs. Donetta Goodfall, Austin; Mr. Roland Hayes, Austin; Dr. James Hill, Austin; Dr. Thomas Randle, Conroe; Dr. Alfred Roberts, Dallas; and Mr. Cameron Wells, Houston.
The Texas Alliance of Black School Educators affirms the inherent worth, dignity, and educability of African-American people. The Alliance challenges forces, which obstruct the achievement, development, and educational opportunities of youth and adults. African-American children throughout the United States encounter problems that are directly related to their minority group status. It is the mission of this Alliance to enhance and facilitate their education.
If the goals of equity, adequacy, and quality education are to be achieved for African-American children, it is most important that we join together to provide them with an educational environment that strengthens and nurtures them for the world’s society.